The Sherman Park is a unique neighborhood in the city of Milwaukee. It is a middle class, family oriented, diverse neighborhood. Over the past several decades there have been waves of crime in this neighborhood. The effects of this activity negatively affect the perception of public safety in the neighborhood. Confidence in the neighborhood has eroded and
residents no longer look at it as a desirable place to live.
In order to address the perception of safety and security the “SPCP” is attempting to replicate the Northwest Citizens Patrol, which operates in Baltimore, Maryland. The NWCP is the largest and one of the oldest citizen patrols in the country. They have seen a decrease in crime in the neighborhoods patrolled during the hours they patrol.
The objective of the SPCP is to create a visible presence in the defined boundaries. The hope is that the presence of a patrol will act as a deterrent to criminal activity in the presence of watchful eyes. It will also increase the perception of safety for the residents who live within the boundary and will see that there are eyes on the streets looking out for their wellbeing. The SPCP will work closely with local Law Enforcement to ensure the safety of the patrol members, their compliance with the law, and the integrity of the organization.
The SPCP is not a response to active crime. Members are never to confront nor engage any suspicious activity. Members regardless of permits or experience are NEVER to be armed while on patrol. The SPCP is only to report suspicious activity from a safe distance.
In order to be effective SPCP will need the cooperation and involvement from local Law Enforcement, ideally a designated officer to be on patrol with the members. The patrol units will have their own radio communication. The officer will be the lead on how to respond to reports from the patrol i.e. respond, call for back up, ignore, etc. The Law Enforcement participation will help the perception of safety for both the volunteers and the residents.
- A decrease in crime brought about by deterring crime in the first place.
- A community and neighborhood becoming a more desirable place to live.
- A diverse community and neighborhood coming together to bring about meaningful change.
- An opportunity for Law Enforcement and the residents they serve to work collaboratively in a positive way to effect change on the ground.